

Muhammad Jamil

Backend Engineer

Welcome to My personal blog where I share magic with code. I am Backend Engineer based on Jakarta, Indonesia. I am passionate about Web/Mobile Application and System Architecture. I really enjoy travelling and adventure to fulfill imagination to write a code. side projects and learning new technologies.

I am a strong advocate for open source and I am always interested in working on new projects with new people. Feel free to reach out if you have anything to talk about, you can reach me through Mail or Whatsapp

About this site

Welcome to my home on the internet. This site functions as a blog/portfolio, a place to share code and thoughts. Opinions are my own.


Backend Engineer  @  Freelance
January 2023 - May 2023
Build a system tourism application that provide tourism content and profile with detail information such as ticketing, maps, payment, and analytics using framework express js build in nest js.
Provide integration payment service with payment gateway Finpay.
Provide authentification with JWT tokenization and OTP method.
Build a CMS based on web dashboard by core-ui template boostrap using react js.
Provide implementing react redux for state management to boost performance.
Build a landing page by next js with tailwind css and implement framer motion for animation
Software Engineer  @  PT Lumos Inisiatif Indonesia
June 2021 - December 2022
Build a system HRIS that includes employment management, attendance with dynamic shift and provide online (photo) or offline (fingerprint), payroll with dynamic component modul, leaves with approval, company chart organization, inbox for internal that integrate with mail service smtp, and reporting employment feature provide export to a file (pdf/csv) using framework php build in laravel 8.
Build a system scrapping service from BNI mutation accounts for provide API service using express js. ● Build a internal company profile using framework php build in laravel 8.
Improvement a system bidding product that includes realtime bidding, authentification with email and gmail, notification with firebase cloud messaging, CMS dashboard reporting feature using framework php build in laravel 8.
Build a system CMS for portal game that provide tracker user, performance reporting, gamification, integration with Google Ads, API service for integration partner, partner management feature using framework php build in laravel 8.
Software Engineer Internship  @  PT PRATAMA NUSA MANDIRI
August 2020 - May 2021
Build a system to provide invoice report based on CMS web dashboard using framework MVC php build in laravel 7.
Backend Engineer  @  Freelance
March 2020 - August 2020
Provide a transaction service that includes shopping cart, transaction point, transaction history feature.
Provide integration courier service with RajaOngkir for estimate cost courier.
Provice a community service that include features QnA session, a map of members, and dynamic search for communities and members.
Build an API service for mobile application using framework MVC express js build in sequelize js.